Daily Recovery Methods to Decrease Muscle Soreness
A phenomenon resulting from exercise induced fatigue and muscle damage is delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS can result in increased muscle tension, decreased strength and range of motion, and can affect muscle performance, potentially placing abnormal forces on tendons and ligaments (7). The following recovery methods can be used on a daily basis to help reduce the effects of DOMS.
Pneumatic Compression: Another trend in training recovery is the use of pneumatic compression devices which provide intermittent sequential compression to the extremities in attempts to mimic the natural flow of blood to assist in blood flow and removal of muscle swelling and metabolic waste products (19,20). It seems that pneumatic compression may have some benefit in immediate subjective feelings of fatigue relief, similar to those experienced with massage treatment. There does not seem to be any benefits in short or long term performance recovery, but daily treatments using pneumatic compression can assist in recovery of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) (19,20,21,22).
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Electrical Stimulation: Electrical stimulation involves applying electrodes to the skin which deliver a series of electrical impulses. There are a variety of settings which can be used for a variety of desired effects such as pain relief or muscle contraction. There has been an increase in the use of electrical stimulation for recovery by elite athletes using stimulation units with preset parameters for desired effects. These effects are thought to consist of two mechanism: increased muscular blood flow and decreased muscle pain (24).
Electrical stimulation units can be useful for alleviation of DOMS discomfort. The parameters should include high-volt pulsed current at levels which can be felt but do not result in muscle contraction. While electrical stimulation has been shown to increase muscle blood flow, effects on performance recovery are lacking and inconclusive (24,25).
Foam Rolling: Foam roll immediately after exercise, 24 hours after exercise, and 48 hours after exercise for decreases in delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), as well as a recovery in performance 24-72 hours after exercise. Foam rolling should be performed for 30-60 seconds to each muscle group used during exercise (26,27).
Overall Recovery Conclusions
While we can form some conclusions and recommendations from the research investigating recovery efforts, there is still uncertainty in the long-term applications of these relatively shorter-term recovery interventions. These recovery interventions may boost performance between sessions when used conservatively, but may result in negative effects due to potential “repeated blunting of training adaptations” (2). A recovery method may decrease performance in one form of training (resistance), but may be beneficial in boosting performance in another form of training, such as endurance (2).
Our bodies respond differently to higher levels of loading versus lower levels of loading, and therefore the recovery after differing intensities of activity should be modified appropriately (16). We need to treat our recovery similarly to how we approach our training. We can utilize similar principles such as periodization into recovery, modifying methods to meet what each individual’s needs are based on their current training regimen and life stressors. After participating in training and life activities involving high levels of muscle damage and/or mental stress, recovery should be changed to meet those demands necessary to decrease pain, soreness, and improve mental status (2).
Ultimately, an individual’s own beliefs and preferences regarding recovery methods may have the biggest influence the choice of recovery methods utilized, as long as they are not detrimental to the recovery process (14).
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