Every so often, we read or hear something that really strikes a chord within us. A moving speech from someone clearly passionate about a topic, or a saying that hits us at the right time we needed to hear it and sticks with us.
For me, one of those came from the founder of CrossFit Greg Glassman’s “World Class Fitness in 100 Words”. Throughout the quote, he seamlessly moves from the base of CrossFit’s theoretical hierarchy of development (nutrition) through the top of the pyramid (sport). He discusses the 3 main categories of movements as defined by CrossFit (monostructural, gymnastics, and weightlifting), along with other key concepts in CrossFit methodology like variability, mastering mechanics, intensity, and training-to-rest days.
There is a saying that “beginners complicate, and experts simplify”. The ability to sum up all of these concepts, in the purposeful flow as Glassman does in 100 words is nothing short of expert and masterful.
But at the same time, it is helpful to unwrap these concise statements and expand on the concepts to better understand and incorporate these ideas into our daily lives.
My next guest did exactly that for the members of his gym. Through an email series of 4-5 emails, he unpacked the 100 words into an in-depth discussion on the significance of Greg Glassman’s statements, and how to incorporate them.
I invited him onto the podcast to discuss some of those same points.
Email Hunter: hunter@misfitathletics.com
Email Misfit Gym Portland: info@misfitgymportland.com
Misfit Gym Portland Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misfitgymportland/